Gifu Kakamigahara Ogaki Hashima Ginan Honsuyama Prefecture Ampachi | Argentine Tango | Salon Milonga | Personal Lessons | Adult Dance Beginners Welcome | Lessons | Bonds with Partners
[ Updated June 28 , 2022 ]
Beginner & middle-aged
Gifu Argentine Tango
Salon Milonga
Gifu City Argentine Tango Dance Class
◇ Kinkoen Soba Studio Hachimancho, Gifu City Studio Dansa Flamenca
◇ Inquiries by phone (10: 00-21: 00)
・ Telephone: 058-263-119 0
・ Mobile: 090-5629-9101
◇ Inquiries by email (24H reception)
・Email form
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- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 大人 中高年 | 岐阜 大垣 各務原 | 岐阜アルゼンチンタンゴサロン・ミロンガ | お問い合わせ
inquiry First of all, please have a trial lesson 1 times 3,000 yen Location: 33rd Miwa Building, Hachiman-cho, Gifu City, 3rd floor Dansa Flamenca Studio TEL: 058-263-1190 Receptionist Dansa Flamenca (Hattori) Received a message send
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 大人 中高年 | 日本 岐阜 大垣 各務原 | アルゼンチンタンゴダンス教室サロンミロンガ | ご入会手続き・受講費
Enrollment procedure ・ Please apply from the inquiry menu if you wish to participate. ・ After taking the trial lesson, please fill out the membership application form. ・ Please pay the initial tuition fee and the monthly membership fee for half a year. ☆ Parking lot service: Times If you use Kaburagi Park, we will provide a parking ticket service for 60 minutes at a time. ◇ Class lesson tuition fee (60 minutes) ・ Argentine tango is one of the dances that can be danced comfortably based on walking. Resolving lack of exercise and understanding your own physical habits and tendencies can also help prevent injuries. Of course, it is also recommended for you who want to learn how to walk like a model who wants to improve his posture. [9,200 yen for 2 times a month] [12,200 yen for 3 times a month] * 2 months advance payment ☆ Class benefits: 1 lesson free every month (only for those who applied for the course 3 times a month) ◇ All OK Loose Argentine Tango Dance Personal lesson (30 minutes each) ・ Argentine tango is one of the dances that can be danced comfortably based on walking. Resolving lack of exercise and understanding your own physical habits and tendencies can also help prevent injuries. Of course, it is also recommended for you who want to learn how to walk like a model who wants to improve his posture. Personal lessons for those who are not good at group lessons or who want to limit the people who want to contact to prevent infectious diseases ♪ [3 times a month course 13,800 yen] [Twice a month course 10,500 yen] ◇ Personal partner lesson (45 minutes each) [27,600 yen for 3 times a month] * It is a lesson tuition fee for two people with a partner. * 2 months advance payment ◇ Bridal tango tuition fee 1 course 8 times 108,000 yen 1 time 50 minutes x 8 times * The tuition fee is for two people with a partner. * Bulk prepayment ◇ Remote lesson tuition fee (40 minutes, personal) [1 3 times a month 7,750 yen] * 2 months advance payment Admission fee ・ 12,000 yen ☆ "0 yen" for enrollment on the day of the experience. Monthly membership fee ・ 1,000 yen per month * Payment is made every 6 months. Payment method ・ You can pay the experience fee by cash, Paypay, or credit card.
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 大人 中高年 | 岐阜 大垣 各務原 | アルゼンチンタンゴダンス教室サロンミロンガ | レッスンの流れ
Class lesson ①ストレッチ レッスンのスタートはストレッチから始まります♪ 無理なく踊れるアルゼンチンタンゴに、クラシックバレエや体操のような柔軟さは必要ないのですが、ケガの予防を考えています。 個々の身体特性もあるので、それぞれに合った範囲で身体をほぐします。 ☆ストレッチの過程で自分自身の身体的な特徴にも気づいたりします。日常生活でのケガや故障が減ったりします。 ②重心コントロール&足さばきの練習 実際に踊る前に重心コントロールと足さばきの練習です♪ アルゼンチンタンゴダンスの特徴は歩くことなのですが、重心コントロールは大切。 通常、だれでも無意識に歩き、無意識に立っています。 ダンスでは右足に体重をかけるか、左足に体重をかけるかを意識します。 ここではラピスやオチョといった名前のステップを練習します。 ③カミナンド=歩くこと カミナンドはスペイン語で「歩くこと」。 重心(体重)の移動を意識しながら音楽に合わせて歩きます。 この時に、内ももを寄せることで内転筋を使い、少し爪先を外に向けることで大殿筋を使い、姿勢を意識することで腹横筋を使います。実際は内転筋を意識すれば、あとはほぼ無意識に使うことになります。 ☆内転筋、大殿筋、腹横筋はインナーマッスルを刺激して体幹を強くし、ダイエットや姿勢維持に重要とされている筋肉です。 ④アブラッソ アブラッソはスペイン語で「ハグ」ですが、アルゼンチンタンゴではパートナーと組んだ状態のこと。英語ではクローズポジションと言います。 今度はパートナーと組んだ状態でのカミナンド。前進、後退、大きく円を描いて歩くなどの練習。パートナーとの体格差を意識して、バランスを取って歩く練習はさまざまなステップを身に付けるにあたって感覚的に大切です。 ④実際に踊ってみましょう♪ 実際に踊ります。 少しづつステップのバリエーションを身に付けながら、踊る事を楽しみましょう♪ パートナーと踊ることで共通の趣味を持つことを楽しめるはずです。
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 大人 中高年 | 岐阜市 大垣 各務原 | 岐阜アルゼンチンタンゴサロン・ミロンガ |トップページ
Features of Gifu Argentine Tango Salon Milonga that you can enjoy Salon Milonga is an "Argentine tango dance class for middle-aged and beginners". I'm always thinking of lessons that will make me smile when middle-aged and senior generations enjoyed it. The best lesson is "fun". Argentine tango also wants to dance happily, last for a long time, and improve. People in their 30s and 60s (mostly in their 50s and above) attend this classroom. Many people have been attending for more than 10 years before the studio was established, and we are proud of the continuation rate. There are various reasons such as "I'm looking forward to meeting my teachers and friends," "Aging prevention," and "I want to stand on stage." Gifu Studio is near Kin Park on the south side of Kin Shrine. Please come visit us for an experience or a tour. We also offer remote lessons based on the new Korona-ka. まずは体験レッスンをうけてみる Member's voice: It was my first time to dance, but I was able to start with peace of mind ♪ Recommended for you like this ♪ -I want to be able to dance. -I want to dance Argentine tango. -I long for Ryoko Yonekura . -I feel that I lack passion in my daily life. -I want to move for good health. - Jim's sports are monotonous and boring. [What is Argentine Tango? ] A passionate dance pair of men and women born in Argentina, South America. Dancing and poses in pairs of men and women have much in common with ballroom dancing, but it is characterized by dancing with Argentine tango music that makes you feel passionate and melancholy. Generally, if you start Argentine tango as a hobby, you will start learning "Salon Tango". It is recommended for beginners to dance because it is an easy-to-remember step and dance style. The acrobatic dance style you see in videos and media is "stage (show) tango". A style that develops salon tango into a show format. In order to aim for this style, it is best to start from the basic salon tango. Of course, it is also attractive to dance comfortably to start for health, such as resolving lack of exercise and tightening the body ♪ Member's voice: It was my first time to dance, but I was able to start with peace of mind ♪ What's New [Frequently Asked Questions Q & A has been added. ] Frequently Asked Questions Q & A [Added a page about what you can do in this studio. ] What you can do in this classroom [Free gift for 1 lesson every month] If you apply for the class 3 times a month, you can take 1 lesson every month for free. [Video presentation service] It is a service that you can show the video of dancing in the class lesson on the YOUTUBE channel of the studio ♪ You can also check your own movement and it will be a chance to improve! [About the parking lot] Times If you use Kaburagi Park, we will provide a 60-minute parking ticket ♪ [About enrollment] ①We accept trial attendance and enrollment at any time. (2) It is also recommended as a common hobby with partners. ③ Free admission campaign on the day of the experience Trial lesson information ☆ Class practice day ・ Every Monday from 12:00 to 13:00 ・ Every Monday from 20:15 to 21:15 ☆ Trial lesson: 3,000 yen each time Salon information ・ 〒500-8234 33rd Miwa Building, Hachiman-cho, Gifu City, 3rd floor Dansa Flamenca Studio ・ Telephone 058-263-1190 (enrollment / experience application) ・ 1 minute walk from Gifu City Cultural Center. Located near Kogane Park. その他 ・LGBTQフレンドリー ・トランスジェンダー対応 Gifu Kakamigahara Ogaki Hashima Ginan Honsuyama Prefecture Ampachi | Argentine Tango | Salon Milonga | Dance Class | Adult Dance School Lessons |
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 中高年 大人 | 岐阜 大垣 各務原 | 岐阜アルゼンチンタンゴサロン・ミロンガ | この教室で出来るようになる事
What you can do in this classroom Being able to do this classroom ♪ ① You will be able to dance Argentine tango! ② Having a special dance time will enrich your daily life. ③ Meeting new friends and teachers will enrich your life. ④ By learning to dance, you will learn an elegant way of dressing and walking. ⑤ You can come into contact with Spanish. Learning a foreign language is recommended as one of lifelong learning, but wouldn't it be cool if you could speak everyday Spanish while learning to dance? ⑥ Keep your mind and body healthy.
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 中高年 大人 | 日本 岐阜 大垣 各務原 | 岐阜アルゼンチンタンゴサロン・ミロンガ | よくある質問Q&A
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers Frequently Asked Questions & Answers (Q & A) ① Frequently Asked Questions: I'm new to dance, can I participate? ☆ Answer: Of course ♪ We welcome beginners. Most of the people who come to learn are beginners. ② Frequently Asked Questions: Is there an age limit? ☆ Answer: There is no age limit! Most people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s start out. ③ Frequently Asked Questions: How old are you learning? ☆ Answer: Mostly people aged 40 to 60 years old. ④ Frequently Asked Questions: Will it solve the lack of exercise? ☆ Yes. of course. It is basic to walk comfortably and gracefully. Since you are conscious of your posture, using inner muscles such as the trunk will be effective.
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 大人 中高年 | 日本 岐阜 大垣 各務原 | 岐阜アルゼンチンタンゴサロン・ミロンガ | 講師はこんな人です。
The presiding officer / lecturer is such a person "Dance is part of my soul. You can enjoy it and make people happy. And I can be happy myself. John Travolta " [Toshiyuki Hattori] Dancer living in Gifu city Flamenco, which I met at the age of 26, started as a dancer. The following year, I went to Spain alone. After that, he visited Spain several times and learned from famous dancers and singers. After returning to Japan, he established a dance studio while working as a flamenco dancer. Performed with professionals of various genres such as Spanish artist, Argentine artist, Tsugaru shamisen player, and saxophone player. In addition to regular performance activities, there are activities such as Lions clubs, Rotary clubs, and company founding commemorative shows at Gifu Miyako Hotel and Gran Hotel. While working as a flamenco dancer, he mainly learns the basics of Latin dance and classical ballet in order to further expand the range of dance expressions and improve dance skills. In this process, you will acquire Argentine tango, salsa, and bachata. Especially for Argentine tango, I learned the basics and basics from the Argentine tango dancer I was with during my musical activities in Tokyo. Initially, I didn't plan to teach Argentine tango, but upon request, I am now actively engaged in lesson activities. [Usually Toshiyuki Hattori] I usually spend time reading and cooking. As a former Italian restaurant chef, I am good at Italian food, but at home I make pasta and spaghetti. When I was addicted to Indian food and made authentic Indian curry, a complaint from a family member said, "Because the house smells like an Indian restaurant, moderately" (sweat) Also, on holidays, I like to take a siesta (a nap in Spanish) and spend a relaxing time ♪ There is no particular genre for reading. Recently, I have read essays by calligrapher Toko Shinoda and "Life in Mathematics" by mathematician Kiyoshi Oka. I also read manga. I'm a fan of Daijiro Morohoshi. In recent manga, I'm curious about "Jujutsu Kaisen". Recently, I am studying for the Japanese Language Teaching Competence Test. The number of foreigners studying abroad in Japan or settling down has increased. It will continue to increase. I would like to help such people blend in with Japan. In particular, Nikkei from Central and South America such as Brazil and Peru have come to Japan as permanent residents, and their communities have been formed. The top four children who actually need Japanese language education are Brazilian Portuguese (close to Spanish), Chinese, Filipino, and Spanish. I think there is something I can do as I have learned Spanish and Latin American dance culture. The world is an era of multiculturalism. By respecting and acknowledging each other's cultures, I am happy to have a richer society. Toshiyuki Hattori: Born February 24, 1968. I started dancing at the age of 26, so I spend half my life as a dancer ♪ Born in Toyoura Town, Toyoura District, Yamaguchi Prefecture (currently Shimonoseki City). After graduating from Yamaguchi Prefectural Hibiki High School, he studied at Osaka Abeno Tsuji Cook and Osaka Construction College, and obtained a cook license and a second-class architect license. However, due to color vision deficiencies, he abandoned construction-related work. I'm here now. Member's voice: It's fun. it's the best.
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 大人 中高年 | 岐阜 大垣 各務原 | アルゼンチンタンゴダンス教室サロンミロンガ | 時間割
Personal training This is a group lesson in a class that can be freely transferred. ☆ Every Monday from 12:00 to 13:00 ☆ Every Monday from 20:15 to 21:15
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 大人 中高年 | 日本 岐阜市 大垣 各務原 | 岐阜アルゼンチンタンゴサロン・ミロンガ | 初めての方へ
For the first time The tango we teach is the traditional "salon tango" style. Normally, when you say that you learn tango in Argentina, you mean this salon tango. It "walks beautifully" Take your posture and prepare your own mind and body. Incorporate such fine and elegant time into your daily life! In addition, Argentine tango is recognized not only for the enjoyment of dancing, but also for various effects such as relieving lack of exercise, dieting, beautiful posture, and relieving stress. Even if you don't have a partner, you can participate alone. If you participate as a couple or a partner, you can enjoy it as a common hobby for both of you. Of course, there are also social gatherings for members who have become able to dance. * The current exchange meeting has been canceled due to the effects of the new coronavirus. まずは体験レッスンをうけてみる Member's voice: It's fun. it's the best.
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 大人 中高年 | 日本 岐阜 各務原 大垣 | アルゼンチンタンゴダンス教室サロンミロンガ | アルゼンチンタンゴとは
[The world of Argentine tango] 1. 1. The beginning of Argentine tango It was 120 years ago. Argentine tango was born in the port city of La Boca in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina in South America. Buenos Aires at that time was extremely prosperous in international trade, with a mixture of immigrants from Europe, people brought from Africa, and local indigenous Indio people, and it was said that it was so vibrant. On the other hand, the poor workers who gathered at the harbor went to the bar almost every night and danced with the women in the bar who were looking for the workers, reminding them of their wives and lovers in their hometowns, and evoking the feelings of their hometown. It was. Eventually, the dance will be performed with a fusion of African rhythms, European tunes, and local indio music. This fusion of music and dance is said to be the beginning of Argentine tango. Argentine tango may have a sad tune because of this background. In addition, although it is not well known, Argentine tango also has songs, and the style of singing the thoughts hidden in the human heart makes us feel CORAZON and still attracts many people. * Corazon means "heart" and "soul" in Spanish. 2. 2. Music for dancing Argentine tango The current Argentine tango and the music of milonga contained in it are made up of a mixture of various elements. Therefore, you can start dancing to the accompaniment of guitars, flutes, violins, etc. from Europe, and you can see various musical elements such as waltz and polka from Europe, music Kandon Donbe from Africa, and Habanera in Cuba. increase. In terms of rhythm, it was born from a mixture of ethnic rhythms such as European, Indio, and African rhythms gathered in Buenos Aires. The lyrical atmosphere and passionate colors of each rhythm are well-balanced. 3. 3. What kind of dance is Argentine tango? What kind of dance is Argentine tango? A pair dance where men and women dance violently in gorgeous costumes? Or is it a pair dance in which a woman performs acrobatic techniques with a man in a sexy dress with a lot of exposure? It is often misunderstood as "continental tango" included in ballroom dancing and ballroom dancing, and even in the name of Argentine tango, "stage tango" for the show is often thought of as Argentine tango itself. Generally, the Argentine tango that is danced is called "salon tango", and when you go to learn Argentine tango, it also means "salon tango". Dancing as a pair of men and women is no different from other pair dances, but there is no pre-choreographed way of dancing. It's a dance that is improvised, with men leading and women following the signal. Of course, it may seem difficult at first, but if you can understand the mechanism by learning the basic steps, it is a deep dance that you can dance freely in the interaction between the two. Salon tango has a large improvisational element, so there are no mistakes or failures. For that reason, it is more fun to dance freely than ballroom dancing, where steps and poses are fixed, and it can be said that it is a dance style if you can easily enjoy it without thinking "Don't make a mistake!". 3. 3. Will "body" and "heart" change in Argentine tango? The first thing that people who start tango notice may be a change in body shape. The basis of Argentine tango is "walking". Of course, your posture will improve, but I think that there are many people who tighten their entire legs and make their ankles thinner. In addition, one of the features is to make the whole leg look beautiful, and since you are always conscious of aligning both knees, the O leg may improve naturally. In addition, it also includes a "twisting" movement when dancing, so it has a nice effect that the waist naturally tightens ♪ The "Ocho diet" born from Argentine tango is derived from the movement using the twist of the waist called Ocho Adelante of Argentine tango. I am. Continuing the Argentine tango will naturally improve your standing posture, and if you're a woman, it's not a dream to be able to walk quickly with high-heeled shoes. The movement of men and women jumping in tango is called abrasso (hug), and there is research that it has a stress-reducing effect. In recent years, a style called tango therapy has also been established, and it is being carried out to improve the symptoms of dementia and Parkinson's disease and to restore the relationship of trust between husband and wife. If you get tired of your daily busy schedule, why not try Argentine Tango to heal yourself. まずは体験レッスンをうけてみる Member's voice: The teaching method is easy to understand and polite. Trial lesson information ☆ Class practice day ・ Every Monday from 12:00 to 13:00 ☆ Trial lesson: 3,000 yen each time What's New [About the parking lot] 202 From the beginning of August 2021, if you use Times Kaburagi Park, we will provide a 60-minute parking ticket once ♪ [About enrollment] ①We accept trial attendance and enrollment at any time. (2) It is also recommended as a common hobby with partners. ③ Free admission campaign Salon information ・ 〒500-8234 33rd Miwa Building, Hachiman-cho, Gifu City, 3rd floor Dansa Flamenca Studio ・ Telephone 058-263-1190 (enrollment / experience application) ・ Near Gifu City Cultural Center or Kin Park. Gifu Kakamigahara Ogaki Hashima Ginan Honsuyama Prefecture Ampachi | Argentine Tango | Salon Milonga | Dance Class | Adult Dance School Lessons |
- ダンス教室 社交ダンス | 初心者 大人 中高年 | 日本 岐阜 大垣 各務原 | 岐阜アルゼンチンタンゴサロン・ミロンガ | リモートレッスン
[Remote lesson information] A new lifestyle that I would like to propose because it is a new type of Korona-ka. Argentine tango dance, a high-quality hobby that makes you feel healthier and more elegant than a dinner or drinking party Introducing remote Argentine tango lessons using ZOOM. The lesson content is basic practice and step practice of Argentine tango. A space of about 1 tatami mat is enough. ☆ Argentine tango 30 minutes lesson ・ 6 lessons for 2 months Tuition fee: 21,000 yen ・ Monthly membership fee for one month: 500 yen (payment is made every two months together with the tuition fee) ・ Free admission campaign * Trial lesson: 3,000 yen each time Payment method: You can use PayPal credit card, bank transfer, bank account transfer, etc. [About new corona measures] ・ We were certified as a new corona countermeasure practice office by Gifu City and received a with corona sticker. ・ When resuming, we will install alcohol, wash hands, and ventilate. ・ Lessons will be done with a mask on. ・ Kleberin was installed in the studio as a countermeasure against infectious diseases. ・ A non-contact thermometer is available. Trial lesson information ☆ Class practice day ・ Every Monday from 12:00 to 13:00 ☆ Trial lesson: 3,000 yen each time What's New [About the parking lot] 202 From the beginning of August 2021, if you use Times Kaburagi Park, we will provide a 60-minute parking ticket once ♪ [About enrollment] ①We accept trial attendance and enrollment at any time. (2) It is also recommended as a common hobby with partners. ③ Free admission campaign Salon information ・ 〒500-8234 33rd Miwa Building, Hachiman-cho, Gifu City, 3rd floor Dansa Flamenca Studio ・ Telephone 058-263-1190 (enrollment / experience application) ・ Near Gifu City Cultural Center or Kin Park. Gifu Kakamigahara Ogaki Hashima Ginan Honsuyama Prefecture Ampachi | Argentine Tango | Salon Milonga | Dance Class | Adult Dance School Lessons |